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When The Ice Melts, Will We Drink The Water? (2016)

Prix du CALQ - Meilleure œuvre choréographique de la saison artistique 2016/2017 


Best choreography of the season 2016/2017 in Québecoise Dance prize



The pelvis lies at the root of a bodily discourse on survival and endurance. The performance starts with the question that the title asks the audience. A simple platform acts as a frame or a synthetic sphere for the imaginary landscape as the performer pivots in a slow repetitive trance.



Artistic Direction, Concept, Choreography, Lighting Design & Scenography: Daina Ashbee


Performed by: Greys Vecchionacce or Imara Bosco


Created in collaboration with and interpreted by originally: Esther Gaudette


Music: performed live and composed by Jean-Francois Blouin


Duration: 45 minutes


Video: Alejandro Jiménez



Premiere: April 22nd, 2016 - RAOTIHÓN:TSA (La Chapelle: Scènes Contemporaines) Monument-National, Montreal, QC




December 12, 2023

Festival Pies Descalzos 

Palomino, Colombia


October 21 - 22, 2021

Daina Ashbee Retrospective


Montreal, QC


July 7 - 8, 2021

Montpellier Danse

Montpellier, France 


July 6, 2020

Montpellier Danse

Montpellier, France (CANCELLED) 


June 29, 2017

The Venice Biennale

Venice, Italy


March 29 - 31 & April 1, 2017

Agora de la Danse

Montreal, QC


June 4 - 5, 2016 

OFFTA -Theatre d'Aujourd'hui

Montreal, QC


April 22, 2016 

La Chapelle: Scenes Contemporaines

Montréal, QC


February 7, 2015

Musée d'Ethnographique de Genève (MEG) for the Global Alliance Against Female Genital Mutilation

Geneva, Switzerland 



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